Sunday, January 10, 2016

Pathways on the Journey of Life

story, "The Odd Angel"
available on YouTube:


As I say in my introduction, life is a journey.  We walk along a pathway, whether we decide to or not.  We are headed "home."  For those of us who are Christians, "home" is ultimately heaven, where God, our Father, awaits us with open, loving arms. 

Life's pathways are sometimes long, sometimes short, often rocky and steep and at other times, downhill or smooth.  Sometimes we coast along effortlessly and at other times, it is a struggle which seems beyond our capacity.  Can we go on? 

And often we think we know where we're going but life surprises us and suddenly we are heading in new directions.

Most of all, we meet people along life's journey.  Inevitably.  People we like, even love.  People we don't like.  Rich and poor people.  (the story above, "The Odd Angel" is about a homeless man I met).  Smart and not so smart.  Strangers and family.  Some who need help.  Others who help us.

The most important question is how we respond to those we meet along the pathways of life. 

And that is what the life of Jesus was all about.  Instead of avoiding or rejecting them, he had a special love for the poor, the hurting, the rejects, the outcasts.  He went out of his way to touch them and heal them  --  sharing his life, food, and time with them.  He died for them, even for his enemies and those who persecuted and even murdered him.

Jesus showed us true love along the pathways on his journey of life. 

Recent pictures along my life's journey follow.